Thesis Examined:

  1. Raneem R. Ashour. Determining the normal range in serum of RF and Ig in Jeddah city. MSc thesis, June 2010.
  2. Fatimah S. Basingab. Production and characterization of glutathione S-transferase inhibitor, used during cancer chemotherapy from the filamentous bacteria. MSc thesis, February 2010.
  3. Jehan S. M. Alrahimi. Survey of hypersensitivity among females by using different extracted allergens in Jeddah city. MSc thesis, June 2009.
  4. Eman A. M. Beyari. Allergens (Dust Mite, House, Dust and Fungi) In Jeddah City: Isolation, Classification, Extraction and Application on Normal and Atopic Individuals. MSc thesis, June 2008.
  5. Sanna M. A. Al Maimani. Allergens (Pollens, Food, Animal hair, and Cockroach) In Jeddah City: Isolation, Classification, Extraction and Application on Normal and Atopic Individuals. MSc thesis, June 2008.

Last Update
2/25/2016 10:43:04 AM